Homosexuality and the institution of marriage

27 Mar



So I figured this title would catch the attention of the reader and I enclose some relevant articles to read when taking this issue into consideration. I for one, am a proponent of the equal marriage act. I could make the argument that civil marriage is separate from the religious institution of marriage. In Judea-Christian doctrine, marriage is defined by the union of man and woman to perform legal sexual acts and establish ownership of women. After all women were seen as chattel back in those days.

Currently in modern society, things have gotten better for women. We are no longer possessions to be owned by men but we still earn less than a dollar to a man and women are sexually exploited as well as they exploit themselves. So the reugs and their religious fanatics think that the institution of marriage is threatened by the passing of the marriage equality act.  And to them I pose this question, have they not noticed that the institution of marriage is failing among heterosexual couples. Can they honestly make a relevant connection between same sex couples and the failing of “traditional marriage.”?

Undoubtedly no! There is no relevance because studies in regards to the disintegration of marriage have shown that most marriages meet their breaking points due to infidelities, financial matters, or both. All these instances have no bearing or impact due to same sex marriage.  Furthermore,  think of the financial benefits this country can garner because of civil same sex marriage. Please read above accompanied article in regards to the financial benefits of same sex marriage. Also, we need to remember that there is separation of church and state. Our laws are not based on religious edicts. Heaven for-fend we live according to shariah law, so why should we live by biblical as well? Our laws in the constitution protect religious freedom and no one is saying you can’t marry in your churches, synagogues, mosques, etc… Those are all religious institutions and  people of those faiths marry according to their religious upbringing, but in civil society which upholds secular laws should not define marriage as the union between only man and woman. It should define civil union between two committed parties in consent of living a life of domestic partnership regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation, ability, and gender. 
The supreme court is currently hearing arguments on both sides of the issue.
I just got into a heated debate with family members visiting from Mexico vehemently opposing same sex marriage. I am the black sheep in the family on this one. But most definitely not a minority in opinion for it.  I am not in favor because it has become a fad or politically correct. I am in favor because I believe in the universal law of human dignity and equality. I hope the supreme court also thinks the same sentiments.

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